In honor of over 50 years of Doctor Who and 14 Doctors, we celebrate Surge-style.
Watch and laugh as our superhero, Surge, flies around fighting Daleks and has a mini adventure in the TARDIS, featuring cameos of thirty (30) Doctor Who actors: Jo Martin (The 14th Doctor), Tom Baker (The 4th Doctor), Peter Davison (The 5th Doctor), Colin Baker (The 6th Doctor), Paul McGann (The 8th Doctor), Eric Roberts (The Master), David Bradley (The 1st Doctor recast), Carole Ann Ford (Susan Forman, the 1st Doctor’s granddaughter), Katy Manning (Joe Grant, 3rd Doctor companion), Nicola Bryant (Peri Brown, 5th & 6th Doctor companion), John Barrowman (Captain Jack), Janet Fielding (Tegan Jovanka), Nick Frost (Santa Claus), Michelle Gomez (The Master “Missy”), Pearl Mackie (Bill Potts), Sylvester McCoy (The 7th Doctor), Frazer Hines (Jamie, 2nd Doctor companion), Louise Jameson (Leela, 4th Doctor companion), John Leeson (K-9, —4th Doctor companion), Richard Franklin (Capt. Mike Yates, 3rd Doctor companion) and Emma Campbell-Jones (Cass, 8th Doctor companion), Geoffrey Beevers (The Master), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Mark Strickson (Turlough), Ian McElhinney (Ko Sharmus), Mark Dexter (Charles Babbage), Richard Ashton (Ice Warrior), Sarah Madison (Weeping Angel), Velile Tshabalala (Rostia) and from the 1960s Peter Cushing Doctor Who movies Jennie Linden (Barbara) .
This short film runs 29-minutes and is a fan-film style Surge movie, outside of the continuity of the regular Surge of Power movies with many Doctor Who actors joining the fun!
See all of the wonderful Doctor Who actors who joined us in this movie to help us celebrate over 50 years of the Doctor Who television program.
Our movie is a tribute to the long legacy of Doctor Who. Watch these cherished Doctor Who actors help us poke light-hearted fun at some of the most charming tropes in Doctor Who.

Jo Martin
The 14th Doctor
Jo Martin played Ruth Clayton/The Doctor in the Doctor Who television stories Fugitive of the Judoon and The Timeless Children, alongside Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor. She was the first non-white actor to be cast in the role of the Doctor in the DWU.

Tom Baker
The 4th Doctor
In 1974, Baker took on the role of the Doctor from Jon Pertwee. He was cast largely because of his performance as the evil sorcerer Koura in The Golden Voyage of Sinbad. Baker was working as a brick hauler on a construction site at the time, as acting jobs were scarce.

Peter Davison
The 5th Doctor
In 1980, Davison signed a contract to play the Doctor for three years, succeeding Tom Baker (the Fourth Doctor) and, at age 29, was at the time the youngest actor to have played the lead role, a record he retained for nearly thirty years. The Fifth Doctor encountered many of the Doctor’s best-known adversaries.

Colin Baker
The 6th Doctor
Played the Sixth Doctor from 1984 to 1986, beginning with an appearance at the conclusion of The Caves of Androzani, continuing from The Twin Dilemma to The Ultimate Foe. Reprised the role for the 1993 Children in Need special, Dimensions in Time, and has also voiced the Doctor for numerous Doctor Who audio stories.

Sylvester McCoy
The 7th Doctor
In his first season, the Seventh Doctor started out as a comical character, engaging in Dundrearyism’s, playing the spoons, and making pratfalls, but later started to develop a darker nature. The Seventh Doctor era is noted for the cancellation of Doctor Who after 26 years

Paul McGann
The 8th Doctor
Paul McGann played the eighth incarnation of the Doctor in the Doctor Who 1996 television film. Rumors abounded that Paul McGann would reprise the role of the Eighth Doctor in a new series of television films, alongside the current television series. McGann has denied these rumors.

David Bradley
The 1st Doctor
In 2017, in the final episode of the tenth series of Doctor Who, “The Doctor Falls”, Bradley returned to portray the First Doctor, having previously been portrayed by Hartnell, who originally played the character. He reprised this role in the 2017 Christmas special, “Twice Upon a Time”.

John Barrowman
Captain Jack
Barrowman is best known in the UK for his role in the BBC science fiction drama Doctor Who. When the series was revived in 2005, Barrowman came on board as recurring guest character Captain Jack Harkness, a pansexual time traveler from the 51st century. His first appearance as Harkness was in the two-part story “The Empty Child”/”The Doctor Dances”.

Eric Roberts
The Master
Eric Roberts was the fifth actor to portray the Master. The 1996 TV Movie introduced Eric Roberts as the Master. The Master is basically a renegade Time Lord, known for always been up to no good, he has a particular dislike for the Doctor. Both Brilliant, but with opposite thinking, the Master would think it nothing to destroy a race to meet his ends.

Geoffrey Beevers
The Master
For his appearance as the Master in The Keeper of Traken, Beevers wore the same hooded robe as worn by Peter Pratt in The Deadly Assassin. However, on this occasion the original rubber mask — which had deteriorated too badly to be saved — was replaced with green makeup and face paint (the latter being used to paint teeth onto Beevers’ lips).

Michelle Gomez
The Master “Missy”
Michelle Gomez played Missy (short for Mistress) in series 8, 9 and 10 of Doctor Who. She also voiced Jevvan in the Big Finish Doctor Who audio story. “I don’t think any fandom can quite compare to the Doctor Who fandom, who I am eternally loyal to and grateful for,” Gomez told Radio Times.

Velile Tshabalala
In December 1851, Rosita was saved from the Cybermen by Jackson Lake, a man who believed himself to be the Doctor. They heard about people going missing and decided to investigate. She first met the real Tenth Doctor on 24 December when a Cybershade was caught in a building.

Frazer Hines
Hines’ Doctor Who debut came in 1966, when he was cast to play the part of Jamie McCrimmon, the companion of the Second Doctor (played by Patrick Troughton). Originally intended as a one-off guest character, Jamie joined the regular cast and appeared in the series from 1966 to 1969.

Nick Frost
Santa Claus
“Last Christmas” was the 2014 Christmas Special of Doctor Who. It was the show’s tenth Christmas special since its revival and the first starring Capaldi as the Doctor. It guest-starred Nick Frost as a dream manifestation of Santa Claus, previously seen at the end of Death in Heaven as a lead-in to this story.

Carole Ann Ford
Susan Foreman
She is sometimes credited, played companion Susan Foreman from “The Pilot Episode” to The Dalek Invasion of Earth and again in the anniversary stories The Five Doctors and Dimensions in Time. She also played Zorelle in the Reeltime Pictures spin-off video Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans.

Pearl Mackie
Bill Potts
On 23 April 2016, it was announced that Mackie would be playing Bill Potts, the companion of The Doctor in the British television series Doctor Who. It was also announced in March 2017 that Bill would be the first openly gay main companion in the series.

Sarah Sutton
Nyssa was a companion of the Fourth and Fifth Doctors from 1981 to 1983. Although Sutton left full-time acting after her time as Nyssa, she has since performed this role in several of the Big Finish Productions Doctor Who audio dramas and played an unrelated role in a Doctor Who universe audio drama by BBV Productions.

Janet Fielding
Tegan Jovanka
Fielding played the part between 1981 and 1984. She made a guest appearance on Jim’ll Fix It in a Doctor Who related sketch alongside Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor in 1985 (A Fix with Sontarans). A featurette included in the 2010 DVD release of Time and the Rani reveals that she participated in the auditions for the Seventh Doctor.

Mark Strickson
Played Vislor Turlough on Doctor Who from Mawdryn Undead to Planet of Fire. He made a cameo appearance as Turlough in The Caves of Androzani and has reprised the role for some of the Big Finish Productions audio dramas together with Peter Davison. He also played the prosecutor in the Doctor Who spoof mockumentary “Lust in Space.”

Ian McElhinney
Ko Sharmus
Played Ko Sharmus in the Doctor Who television stories Ascension of the Cybermen and The Timeless Children.
In 2016, he appeared in the Star Wars film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story as General Jan Dodonna, an experience which he had stated as being “frustrating”.

Richard Franklin
Capt. Mike Yates
Played Captain Mike Yates the 3rd Doctor companion on Doctor Who from Terror of the Autons to Planet of the Spiders. He reprised the role for the twentieth-anniversary special The Five Doctors and the thirtieth-anniversary adventure Dimensions in Time.

Katy Manning
Jo Grant
She played the part of Jo from 1971 to 1973 alongside Jon Pertwee’s Doctor. Manning struck up an immediate rapport with her co-stars, Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney (the Brigadier), John Levene (Sergeant Benton), Richard Franklin (Captain Yates) and Roger Delgado (the Master).

Nicola Bryant
Peri Brown
She played the part from 1984 to 1986, first with Peter Davison and then with Colin Baker as the Doctor. Bryant’s tenure on the show was met with raised eyebrows in some quarters. Series producer John Nathan-Turner admitted that his intention was to pump up the sex appeal of the ageing series.

Mark Dexter
Charles Babbage
Played Dad in the Doctor Who stories Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead and Charles Babbage in Spyfall.

Emma Campbell-Jones
She played Doctor Kent in the Doctor Who television story The Wedding of River Song, and Cass the 8th Doctor companion in the webcast The Night of the Doctor. She also voiced Shola in the Fourth Doctor Adventures audio stories The Paradox Planet and Legacy of Death..

Louise Jameson
She played Leela, the leather-clad warrior companion of the Fourth Doctor, from The Face of Evil to The Invasion of Time. She later reprised the role for the anniversary special, Dimensions in Time, and for several Big Finish Productions audio adventures.

John Leeson
K-9 Voice
Voiced K9 the 4th Doctor companion from 1977-1979 and again from 1980-2010 on Doctor Who, K9 and Company, The Sarah Jane Adventures and K9. He provided other voice-over roles on television and for Big Finish Productions and Magic Bullet Productions, and also reprised K9 for Big Finish and BBV Productions.

Richard Ashton
Ice Warrior
Doctor and Bill hop in the TARDIS to go investigate. Heading to Mars has its problems though because that’s where the Ice Warriors dwell. These reptilian humanoids wear full armor, which is partly cybernetic, and of course they put the “war” in warrior.

Sarah Madison
Weeping Angel
She has portrayed the Weeping Angels in numerous episodes of Doctor Who, as well as a Time zombie in Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.

Jon Davey
Dalek and alien actor
He has portrayed a number of characters and creatures on Doctor Who, including: Judoon – The Stolen Earth, Cyberman – The Next Doctor, Supreme Dalek – Victory of the Daleks,
Cyberman – The Pandorica Opens, Teselecta worker – Let’s Kill Hitler, Marine – The Wedding of River Song, Dalek – The Day of the Doctor, The Magician’s Apprentice, UNIT soldier – Dark Water / Death in Heaven, Sleeper – Last Christmas, Mire – The Girl Who Died

Jennie Linden
Played Barbara in the 1960s Peter Cushing Doctor Who movies. She later voiced Professor Klyst in the Big Finish Doctor Who audio story Unregenerate!.
Doctor Who Tribute November 23, 2022 Full Film Release – In honor of the 59th Anniversary of Doctor Who and 14 Doctors, we celebrate Surge-style. Watch and laugh as our superhero, Surge, flies around fighting Daleks and has a mini adventure in the TARDIS, featuring cameos of thirty (30) Doctor Who actors.
This short film runs 29-minutes and is a fan-film style Surge movie, outside of the continuity of the regular Surge of Power movies with many Doctor Who actors joining the fun! Click the button below to stream the film for free on Vimeo starting Wednesday, November 23rd- our gift to the fandom!
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